The Hopevale Arts and Cultural Centre was opened in 2009 as an open and accessible space for all Hopevale community members to pursue their interest in art, and to maintain the stories and traditions of the local Guugu-Ymithirr culture.
The Centre is often used for community events, meetings and private functions. It is open to the public Monday-Thursday, and throughout peak tourism seasons we run a range of workshops and public talks from the garden of the centre. We sell a range of locally made arts and crafts through the attached Nganthanun Bmawi-Bayan Gallery.
The Hopevale Arts and Cultural Centre is a not-for-profit Indigenous corporation managed by a small team of administrative staff and a Board of Directors. Board members are elected by the Hopevale community at the annual general meeting every November. The Board is comprised of six local leaders who work with the Manager to achieve strategic goals and ensure the Centre meets its goals to promote and preserve the traditional Guugu-Ymithirr culture.
Government funding supports a portion of operational costs however the centre relies on sales of artwork and bookings for workshops and dance performances to maintain sustainable business.
The centre welcomes tourists travelling through the area – free tourist information about the local area is provided by staff at the centre or by our local artists. We welcome you to stop by and make use of our garden and facilities for a lunchtime stopover.